
Optimizes industrial processes using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

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How do we make the industry more
efficient, competitive and sustainable?

These are some of the challenges

facing the industries.

Machine downtime warnings

Equipment reliability

Energy consumption control

Low throughput warning

Repetitive failures

Failure prediction and classification

We help to detect, minimize and solve problems in the production lines of industrial plants

What are the Benefits?

Uses sensor data to obtain information about machinery conditions.

Increases output production and reduces organizational or process silos.

Enables predictive maintenance, resulting in a lower machinery downtime rate.

Simplifies processes and increases the equipment overall productivity.

Our Machine Learning module learns from your operations and provides recommendations.

Decreases carbon footprint.

Does more with less, increasing productivity and sustainability.

Our Machine Learning module learns from your operations and provides recommendations.

How does it work?

Data generated by machinery, sensors, and devices involved in the production processes is obtained in real time.

The data are structured to convert them into makes equipment maintenance and production management more efficient.

Artificial intelligence is used to generate information that makes equipment maintenance and production management more efficient.

The reports and insights enable specialists to make optimization decisions and improve the process.

Our Mission

We use information from the past to
anticipate the future.

Meet our team

Diego Martiniano


Systems Engineer with a Master in Business and Management. Working in the software and consulting industry for 20 years. Serial tech entrepreneur.

Macarena Fernandez Bedini


Industrial engineer and entrepreneur, with a solid background in supply chain optimization and implementation of highly efficient production strategies.

Paula Serrano

Industrial engineering

Industrial Engineer expert in Manufacturing Strategy. With experience in different key roles in the Manufacturing area in recognized Multinationals.

Modest García Lausin

Industrial engineering

Expert in the operation of organizations, contributing to improve the efficiency of business processes, using technology as a catalyst for change and facilitator of competitiveness.

Mariano Cerruti

Software Engineer

With over two decades of experience as a software professional spanning diverse industries. Passionate about problem solving and constant improvement of hardware development processes.

Paula Choque Sestopal

UX-UI designer

Industrial designer specialized in the design of experiences and interfaces, both mobile and desktop applications, focusing on accessibility and user experience.

Contact us

For more information write us and we will get in touch

C/ del Perú, 186, bis, 08020

Barcelona, España

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